Frequently Asked Questions
The ALA Missouri Girls State Committee has been planning all year for you. We can't wait to meet you. If you have any questions, please send us an email. A staff member will answer any questions you have. In the meantime here are questions that are frequently asked.
When is ALA Missouri Girls State?
The 82nd session will take place in June 22 - June 29, 2024 at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO.
What is the purpose of ALA Missouri Girls State?
The purpose is to promote pride in America and to create a mythical state that the citizens will govern at the city, county and state level. We will have speakers who serve as leaders in our Missouri government as well as hold important offices in our communities.
What should I expect?
You should anticipate a fast-paced, high-energy educational program designed to test your leadership, citizenship and scholastic abilities. You should expect to compete with the best and brightest high school students in the state of Missouri. You should be prepared to push yourself like never before. You should be ready to commit yourself to the program for the entire week and not allow yourself to be distracted by outside influences. And finally, you should expect to leave the program a better person than you were before you came.
How and when will I receive The Program Information Packet?
You will receive official notification via U.S. Mail and e-mail around April 15, 2024. The letter will also inform you that The Program Information Packet is ready to download from our website.
Will I get a printed copy of The Program Information Packet in the U.S. mail?
No. The only way to get this material is to download it from the website.
When will I find out my Residence Hall assignment which includes my city group assignment?
All staff and citizens will live in a specified set of dorms on the location of our host campus. You will find out your dorm, room number and assigned group (known as a "city") when you arrive on to registration on the first day of the session.
What time should I check in on the first day?
Times and locations for registration will be listed in the Program Information Packet. Further directions to the designated location will also be available on our website and social media closer to the registration day.
After I check in, can we go to a restaurant or shopping?
No. Once you register, you cannot leave campus.
What time can I leave on the last day of the session?
Additional information for departure will be in The Program Information Packet. All citizens will be permitted to leave directly following the closing session on the final day of the session.
Do I need a doctor's signature on my health form?
Yes. The nursing staff is unable to dispense over-the-counter medication, such as aspirin, Tylenol, cough drops, sore throat lozenges, etc., without a doctor’s signature on your health form.
What if I forget to bring something I need?
We have a shopper who will collect money and orders at the beginning of each day. She will purchase your requested item(s) and make them available to you in the afternoon. The shopper will not purchase snacks, beverages or other food items.
What are the living arrangements at ALA Missouri Girls State?
You will live on a floor (called a city) with approximately 30-40 other girls. The ALA MGS Committee works to follow CDC and host campus guidelines when making rooming decisions for the session. The finalized arrangements will be available in the April 1st mailing and Program Information Packet. Every dorm room will share a bathroom, complete with a tub and shower, with another dorm room. All delegates are responsible for bringing their own shower supplies (mats, towels, toiletries, hand soap), but the University furnishes toilet paper.
What are meals like at ALA Missouri Girls State? What if I have a food allergy or other dietary concerns?
Each meal offers several choices including a salad bar at lunch and dinner. The meals will be served cafeteria style. A vegetarian option will be available at each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Citizens with special medical and dietary restrictions and/or limitations should inform the ALA MGS staff via your pre-session survey or email headquarters@missourigirlsstate.org by June 1, 2024. When the dining hall is not open, minimal snacks will be available for purchase in your residence hall.
What about apparel? Should I bring any money to ALA Missouri Girls State?
In addition to snacks, the Girls State Shoppe will have fun apparel and other commemorative items available to meet every budget. Cash, credit and debit cards are accepted. The Shoppe will also sell a photo access link which allows the buyer access to download photographs taken by our photography and media staff during the session. We suggest each delegate bring some cash for any incidentals that she may have forgotten in addition to the required tax money ($3).
What should I bring to wear?
During the day, we observe a casual dress code. Please pack comfortable clothing to wear each day. On three nights, we dress for dinner and observe a business casual dress code. You may choose to pack additional business casual clothing if you anticipate running for state office. For our Inaugural Ceremony on Friday, all delegates are required to wear a solid black, business casual outfit. The complete dress code is available in The Delegate Information Packet.
What should I leave at home?
ALA Missouri Girls State is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please leave expensive jewelry or keepsakes at home. We also recommend leaving electronics such as laptops, tablets, and gaming devices at home. Any illegal drugs or controlled substances are prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal from ALA Missouri Girls State. Prescription medicine should be cleared through the medical staff upon registration at Girls State. Missouri State laws prohibit the use of alcohol and tobacco products by minors, and Lindenwood University is a smoke-free environment. The use of alcohol or tobacco products by ALA Missouri Girls State citizens is prohibited. This includes the use of cigarettes, eCigarettes, vapes, and like products. Violation of these rules will result in immediate dismissal.
Can I bring my own campaign materials?
No, citizens cannot bring their own campaign materials or supplies. Upon arrival at ALA MGS, all citizens will be given currency to utilize toward funding campaigns, paying fines, or paying for services from ALA MGS businesses.
Are there expectations for cell phone use?
ALA MGS citizens are permitted to use their cell phones during appropriate times as designated in the ALA MGS Code of Conduct.
When and where are the orientations scheduled this year?
More information on this orientation process will be available in the May 1st mailing. We are anticipating a limited number of in person orientations along with an online option.
Do I automatically receive college credit for attending ALA Missouri Girls State?
For the 2024 session: Further information about the Lindenwood University college credit process will be explained in the April 15th citizen mailing.
What should citizens wear during the Inauguration on Friday night?
As a symbol of unity, we ask all citizens to wear solid black, business casual attire for the Inauguration Ceremony. Shoes and accessories should be minimal, understated and neutral. If a counselor deems that Inaugural wear does not meet these requirements, the citizen may be asked to change. Please see the dress code for more information.
May I drive myself to and from ALA Missouri Girls State?
In our experience, a week of ALA Missouri Girls State leaves our citizens very exhausted. For this reason, we strongly discourage our citizens from driving themselves to and from our program. If a citizen must drive herself to and from our program, she must surrender her keys upon arrival. Troopers of the Missouri State Highway Patrol will ensure her vehicle and keys are secure throughout the week. All citizens outside of a 90 mile radius from Lindenwood are eligible for provided transportation via chartered bus. More information about signing up for the bus transportation will be sent to all accepted citizens in the spring of 2024.